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“It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.” – Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)

Fresh Reads from the Science 'o sphere!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

BS Theory.

No, this is not a rant. BS is the initials of a fellow researcher who thought of this idea.


At Fresh Brainz, we understand the value of thinking outside the box. Thus, it is with great pleasure that I introduce an original idea by Mr. BS to you - published first here!

His idea is called "Knowledge Diffusion/Absorption Theory".

Let me give you a bit of background.

One day, Mr. BS was talking to a couple of attractive young female attachment students. He noted that a new library (coincidentally named the SB Library) had just opened in a nearby research institute and he was encouraging the ladies to go visit the library.

Not to read books. But to nap surrounded by books.

How does this work?

Knowledge Diffusion/Absorption Theory (henceforth abbreviated to K-DAT) states that knowledge flows from a region of high concentration (the books) to a region of low concentration (my brain).

A library, being a central depository of books, contains a very high concentration of knowledge. Just by standing in the library, you can already become smarter even if you don't actually read anything.

However, the rate of knowledge absorption is usually very low. To improve absorption, it is better to take a nap, since the human brain is at its most relaxed and receptive when asleep.

Concentration of knowledge is not determined by the type of knowledge the books contain. Just the volume of knowledge. As such "General Relativity" has the about the same knowledge concentration as a stack of gossip magazines like "Dirty Sexual Habits of Movie Stars!", as long as they have the same amount of printed material.

But K-DAT predicts that it is easier to learn from a stack of magazines than from a heavy physics book. Despite having the same knowledge concentration.


Turns out that a difficult book is harder to absorb into a sleeping brain directly. You need to have some background knowledge obtained by usual reading, in order to enhance the absorption rate of technical, boring knowledge. In comparison, simpler books and magazines get soaked up effortlessly.

Thus, Mr. BS encourages everyone to visit a library for naps, or to stuff their beds with books before sleeping.

Although a large number of books will have a high knowledge concentration, remember not to overdo it! Having too many books under your bed may result in uncomfortable sleep. Which is counterproductive since that reduces your absorption rate drastically.

True be told, I am rather reluctant to share this interesting idea with you guys, because Mr. BS told me that if his idea wins the Nobel Prize, I only get to share his fame and not his prize money.

What a crappy deal.

Nevertheless, I believe it is important that I share his idea with everyone who wishes to improve their knowledge using books.

Because I love you guys.

I also encourage anyone else with a truly original idea to contribute to Fresh Brainz and be subject to the peer review that it rightly deserves.

So now... let the peer review process begin!