Chang'e 1 shoots the Moon / Izod clouds (Bad Astronomy - USA)
Really cool pictures there...
Inevitable and orderly? Hardly! (Laelaps - USA)
A good critique of Paul Davies' "Taking Science on Faith".
Wired's 10 great snake-oil gadgets (Moonflake - South Africa)
They only work when nobody's looking...
Mutation fired outbreak of deadly tropical virus (Ontogeny - USA)
One amino acid change turns a virus into a killer...
Having a science education doesn't make you a scientist (Pro-science - Denmark)
Just like having a scholarship doesn't make you a scholar...
Jane Austen action figure (Sour Grapes - USA)

Hi Leng Hiong,
This is slightly off-topic from your current blog-post, but I was wondering if you could forward this on to that law student that frequents your blog and happens to be a firm believer in ID? This paper just came out in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, which I hope it can address his questions on the evolution of the eye. Thanks!
URL: http://www.nature.com/nrn/journal/v8/n12/full/nrn2283.html
-- Alvin
Hi Alvin:
Welcome to Fresh Brainz! Thanks for the heads up to the excellent review paper.
It's quite a long and technical review; instead of just forwarding it wholesale to him, I think it's better if I convert it into "blog-style" plain English, so that everyone can understand what it means.
I'll try find time in the weekend to do this. You can join in the discussion too if you like.
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