A good question!
That, my friends, is the shiny new logo for Fresh Brainz.
And there is an actual legend behind its birth.
Make that two legends.

Fig 1. GFP-expressing D40X cells (100X magnification)
Apocryphal: I was attempting a transient transfection of the D40X cell line using an overexpression vector that I made. It is a Cyan-C / Ju-C fusion protein coupled to an IRES driving EGFP expression as the readout. When I lipofected the plasmid into a 10-cm tissue culture dish of D40X cells, the GFP expression pattern (see Fig 1) was so distinctive that I decided to use it as my blog logo.
Actual: I spent almost a year tinkering with a logo design that either looks like the letter "F", resembles a question mark or outlines the silhouette of a human brain. This silver squiggle just barely manages to do all three.
Yes, the truth is not as spectacular, I know.
Oh before I forget - Fresh Brainz is happy to introduce yet another perky mascot for a new category of posts!
Paris the Hot Button will be the avatar for future articles about fast-breaking news, socio-political controversies and other current affairs.
And yes, Paris is really named after this weepy young devotchka who is currently doing the old in-out-in.
Jail, that is.
Would you like to know more?
About other Fresh Brainz mascots:
- Fran the Strawberry
- Sally the T.Rex
- Brad the Brain-skull
- Mike the Microphone
- Nick the Camera-robot
- Svetlana the Spacewalker
- Nameless the Blue Question Mark
About Rise of The Silver Surfer:
- Official Website
* Sorry about the pun.
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