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“It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.” – Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)

Fresh Reads from the Science 'o sphere!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Two Years, Two Tits

Wow! Can you believe that it's been two years already?

They say that one year on the blagosphere is like seven years in meatspace.

Nah, not really. Nobody actually said that. I just made it up.

It certainly feels like a damned long time though.

Let's just say that it wasn't easy to keep going.

So, on this hard-earned 2nd blogiversary, I've decided to keep it low profile.

First and foremost, I would like to thank some of you guys for your encouragement along the way, especially long-time supporters like Glendon and Sivasothi, fellow compatriots at Clearthought Singapore like Angry Doc and Edgar, and fellow Singaporean science blogger Lab Rat.

Of course, a big THANK YOU goes out to all you Fresh Brainz readers as well. I hope that you still find our articles interesting and wacky.

If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment... help me to help you!

Next, it's time to review some key performance indicators.

What, you don't believe that a one-man-show like Fresh Brainz has KPIs?

Come on, it's shiny Singapore.

Everything has KPIs, even the mop that the sway tor kah auntie use for mopping floors has KPIs.


Fresh Brainz

Number: 17385 (一起森巴舞)

Series: Nexus-7

Type: Basic pleasure model

Incept Date: 11 July 2006

Longevity: 4 years

Total blog posts: 380

Average regular readership (data from 1st week of July): 120

Average daily unique visitors: 300

Click here to compare with first year KPIs.


Based on the latest readership figures, Fresh Brainz might very well be the top English science blog in the Asia-Pacific region! (Ignoring for the moment that 99.999% of all English science blogs hail from North America/Europe)


Finally, as a special gift to all my long-suffering fans, here's something naughty for you - a cute pair of bouncy tits!


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Lab Rat said...

I prefer bouncing boobies. :P

angry doc said...


Here's a wet pussy for your page:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogiversary!

Urm three tits next year sounds wrong...

Glendon Mellow said...

Happy 2nd Blogiversary!

Wow, only two years? From when I first started reading this blog, you seemed like a seasoned pro.

Am I supposed to suggest something? How about more cowbell? Oh, someone told you that already.

Please continue the with the heady elixir of real science and real sight gags.

All the best!

Anonymous said...


Hehe, What's the Impact Factor?

Keep up the good work. It remains one of the few blogs I bother looking at, and being the number 1 science blog in Asia-Pacific is not bad at all!

Anonymous said...


A great site, always insightful, informative and well written.

Keep it up!


P.S. Apologies Leng Hiong for getting your name backwards at AngryDoc's discussion Forum. I tend to be dyslexic when I type. I know, excuses, excuses. :-)

The Key Question said...

To Lab Rat:

Me too! Heh heh...what an amazing coincidence.

To Angry Doc:

Aww... you shouldn't have.

To Edgar:

I'm hoping to see a six-bosomed Orion slave girl someday.

To Glendon:

Thanks for all your encouragement in the past year. More sight gags coming straight up!

To AH:

Another long time supporter... thanks for dropping by!

On the blogotubes, impact factor is measured in Techno-Ratties.. me gots 31. However, it dwindles all the time, just like the value of a college degree...

To PZ:

Thanks for visiting Fresh Brainz! No need to apologise... hope you continue to contribute your straight-talking comments to Angry Doc's blog and help support rational thinking!

LGP said...

happy 2 years of blogging to you! :) more tits to come!

a said...

Congrats! Long Live Fresh Brainz!

The Key Question said...


Welcome to Fresh Brainz and thanks for your encouragement!

More tits?

Hmm... great tits, elegant tits and penduline tits...

Tits glorious tits!

To Wone:

Thanks and welcome to Fresh Brainz!

Hope that you'll also have lots of blogging fun!

Anonymous said...

congrats! although some bits are just too technical.. but keep being like the 'pop rocks' (science) blog.

The Key Question said...

To LH:

Thanks for your feedback - I'll work on making things clearer and easier to understand. Cheers!