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“It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.” – Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)

Fresh Reads from the Science 'o sphere!

Monday, July 07, 2008

New Science Education And Communication Programme

A few days ago, I received an email from the University of Glasgow about a brand new MSc course in Science Education and Communication which they will be starting up this year.

I know that there is a number of fanatical avid science bloggers among our bloodthirsty esteemed Fresh Brainz readers.

If you love communicating science and are considering a career in this field, why not check out what they have to offer?

Here are the details:


I am writing to tell you about a new postgraduate course in Science Education and Communication at the University of Glasgow that we hope will be of interest to you or your colleagues. Please forward this information as appropriate.

In September 2008, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research and Teaching in STEM Education at the University of Glasgow in Scotland will launch a new postgraduate programme in science education and communication. The programme covers the communication and teaching of the traditional science disciplines, as well as engineering, mathematics and technology.

The programme, entitled MSc in Inter-Professional Science Education and Communication, will be of particular interest to professional science communicators and science educators (science writers or broadcasters, teachers, university lecturers, etc.). It is also likely to be of benefit to anyone who wishes to communicate science effectively to audiences including scientists, students, representatives of the private and public sector, the media and the general public. The programme has been specifically designed to enhance learners' effectiveness and efficiency in science communication. As suggested by the programme title, it also aims to support learners in developing working relationships with teachers, scientists and other science education and communication professionals.

Please find attached a leaflet providing further information on the programmes, including a web link. Applicants can apply online at the following address:

The teaching team looks forward to receiving your application or enquiries.

Best wishes,

Rebecca Mancy


Dr Rebecca Mancy
BSc (Hons), PhD (Glasgow)
Lecturer in Science and Mathematics Education
Programme Leader, MSc/PGDip/PGCert in Inter-Professional Science Education and Communication (IPSEC)

Direct line: +44 (0) 141 330 8138

Interdisciplinary Centre for Research and Teaching in STEM Education
Faculty of Education
University of Glasgow
11 Eldon Street
Glasgow G3 6NH

The University of Glasgow Charity Number: SC004401


neha said...


Did you know about
you have lot stuff of stem cells at website.

angry doc said...

Well, if you are so into communicating science, I need a bit of help over at my blog. :)

The discussion on 'exorcism' has spilled over to evolution ("No one has ever seen it happen. It's just a THEORY, not LAW!"), which I figure is - if not not right up your alley - at least on your territory.

Maybe you can blog a post so I can link to it?


angry doc said...

Oh, I found one!

The Key Question said...

To Angry Doc:

Yikes, not again...