Though Fresh Brainz is not a photoblog per se, I would like to share with you some of the better photos that I've taken over the past five years. I've been using simple equipment, so I know the quality is not professional grade, but I hope you can see what I was envisioning in these pictures.
If you like to see more arty photos check out my friend's photoblog!
Bin there done that
(2004) Minolta X700
Figures on the beach
(2007) Sony S600
Floating balls
(2007) Sony S600
Geometry in blue
(2007) Sony S600
Geometry in brown
(2007) Sony S600
Geometry in green
(2003) Kodak CX4200
Geometry in grey
(2007) Sony S600
Glowing tower
(2005) Minolta X700
Gold lining
(2007) Sony S600
Into colour
(2007) Sony S600
Kid fountain
(2007) Sony S600
No sign
(2007) Sony S600
Objet d'art
(2006) Minolta X700
On the wave
(2007) Sony S600
One of us
(2004) Minolta X700
(2007) Sony S600
Sign of life
(2007) Sony S600
Stark tree
(2002) Kodak CX4200
Tunnel light
(2007) Sony S600
Would you like to know more?
About the cameras I use:
- Sony S600 (6MP digital)
- Minolta X700 (35mm-film manual focus SLR)
- Kodak CX4200 (2MP digital)
These photos are copyright © 2007
You've got some really cool pictures there! I especially like the fishermen with the floating balls and the Into Colour pictures.
Thanks for your encouragement!
Actually I've been thinking of buying a better camera for some time, but I am not confident that my artistic eye is good enough to justify blowing so much cash on a hobby.
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